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Jed holds a BA in Economics and Econometrics, an MBA from Manchester Business School and a Diploma in Company Direction from the IoD. He is a Fellow of the RSA and is SFEDI accredited. He worked as strategic marketing manager within a national firm of chartered accountants, then as a strategic marketing consultant for a B2B market research business working globally for a range of multi-national and UK based corporations. During this time, he also provided commercial due diligence assessments to venture capital firms. In the last eight years, he has worked with the management/ownership teams of over 90 high growth SMEs in various market sectors. Jed is based in Cheshire and enjoys playing and umpiring hockey (not at the same time) as well as walking (including when playing hockey) and reading. When confined to the house during lockdown, he also developed an interest in online keep fit classes but don’t mention the ballet routines.