Senior Partner & Executive Vice President
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George Sierchio is an entrepreneurial veteran having owned and operated several successful services and consulting businesses in the last 25+ years. This includes his work as a consultant and advisor to owners of IT companies providing guidance in profitability, overall growth, and mergers & acquisitions related activities. He is highly experienced in the areas of strategy, finance, operations, and human resources. Specific to M&A, George is well versed in many areas including growth strategy, acquisition targeting/evaluation, valuation, due diligence, deal structure, agreement development/negotiation, and corporate governance, leading over 25 buy-side transactions in the IT Services space. George is recognized as an advisor, speaker, author, and thought leader on the IT Consulting & Services industry. He is regularly invited as a featured speaker or panelist at IT vendor and industry association events and webinars, providing attendees with educational material on the world of mergers and acquisitions in the IT service provider industry. George’s diverse background as a business owner and advisor in the industry allows him to bring a wealth of experience to benefit all parties involved in a transaction. He truly understands how crucial a smooth start to finish transaction is to the buyers as well as sellers and how it impacts their professional and personal lives.