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Alicia Caldwell, a principal in the healthcare and not-for-profit group at Baker Tilly. With more than 15 years of experience in public accounting and private industry, Alicia specializes in serving the accounting, auditing and consulting needs of healthcare provider and not-for-profit clients, providing service to both for profit and not-for-profit organizations Alicia has experience with numerous types of financial and compliance audits, including employee benefit plans. She also leads Baker Tilly's COVID-19 Advisory team within our healthcare practice, specializing in providing expertise around reporting and compliance with various types of stimulus funding to our healthcare providers. She also serves on our growth and retention of women (GROW) firmwide task force. Post Masters Certificate, accounting Monmouth University (West Long Branch, New Jersey); Master of Business Administration, marketing and information systems New York University; Bachelor of Business Administration, finance College of William and Mary (Williamsburg, Virginia);