Joined: 2020
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Colin has a 25 year plus career in the City of London and has experience in Asset Management, Investment Banking, Insurance, Exchanges, and Fintech. Colin joined ARC in 2020 as Director Risk. Colin was formerly UK Chief Risk Officer of BNY Mellon and Global CRO for ICAP. He has also been Head of Risk at Threadneedle Investments, Global Head of Commerzbank Corporates and Markets Operational Risk Function and EMEA Head of Operational Risk at Barclays Capital. More recently, he has worked with Fintech start-ups in an advisory capacity. Colin also works on Corporate Finance projects by aiding on structuring and placements. Colin is a scientist by background and holds a Ph.D in Laser Physics from the University of St. Andrews and retains an interest in science and the use of technology. He is a former British Army reserve infantry officer.