Managing Director
and access,
As an investment banker, Ron successfully has closed several significant transactions. He has earned numerous awards for his sales and marketing accomplishments, and he relates well to the challenges of running a privately held company. Ron has an appreciation for what it takes to meet Friday’s payroll and next month’s bank payment. Ron brings his personal experience in the real world paired with the financial acumen that’s required to bring client transactions to fruition. Ron enjoys and has over 20 years of experience working with closely held, private firms with revenues from $15 million to $150 million. Ron also understands that relationships, culture and compatibility are almost as important as the company’s enterprise value to the selling shareholders. Prior to his time as a banker, Ron was a top performing salesperson for several Fortune 500 companies. Ron immediately joined the business world following his stint in the U.S. Army as an infantry officer and helicopter pilot during the Viet Nam War.