Ahlsell - M&A Summary, Ownership, and Business Overview


Ahlsell M&A Summary

Ahlsell has acquired 55 companies of its own, including 28 in the last 5 years.

Ahlsell has acquired in 6 countries. The Company’s most targeted sectors include distribution (51%) and e-commerce (11%).

Ahlsell Ownership

Who owns Ahlsell?

Ahlsell is owned by CVC Capital Partners. It was acquired on February 29, 2012.

Is Ahlsell PE-backed?

Yes. Ahlsell is owned by private equity investor CVC Capital Partners.

Was Ahlsell formerly PE-backed?

Yes. Ahlsell was formerly owned by 3 private investors.

Ahlsell Business Overview

Where is Ahlsell headquartered?

Ahlsell is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden.

What is Ahlsell’s revenue?

Ahlsell disclosed revenue of 2,489M SEK for 2012 and 2,300M EUR for 2011.

How many employees does Ahlsell have?

Ahlsell has 4,500 employees.

What sector is Ahlsell in?

Ahlsell is a distribution company.

When was Ahlsell founded?

Ahlsell was founded in 1877.

M&A Summary

  • M&A Total Activity55
    • M&A Buy Activity55
  • Total Sectors Invested 12
  • Total Countries Invested 6
  • M&A Buy/Sell Connections 3


Ahlsell AB

Årstaängsvägen 11,
Stockholm, 117 43

Ahlsell is a distributor of heating & plumbing and electrical installation products. The company is focused on five core markets: Heating & Plumbing, Electrical, Tools & Machinery, Refrigeration and DIY, and has built leading market positions in a number of these sectors across the Nordic region. Ahlsell's diversified customer base has access to over 125,000 products from the company's 216 outlets across the region and can access a further 200,000 products from Ahlsell's suppliers. Ahlsell was founded in 1877 and is based in Stockholm, Sweden.

M&A Summary

Buy vs Sell

Year ≤ '19 '20 '21 '22 '23 '24 T
Buy (5.6/yr) # 27 1 8 11 4 4 55
Sell (0.0/yr) # - - - - - - 0

Most Recent M&A

Company Date Value Type
Alf I Larsen AS 2024-04-17 - Add-on Acquisition
Sandnes, Norway · www.ail.no
Heri AB 2024-04-08 - Add-on Acquisition
Luleå, Sweden · www.heri.se
Industrivarer AS 2024-02-29 - Add-on Acquisition
Namsos, Norway · www.industrivarer.no
JLI Smalandsstenar AB 2024-02-05 - Add-on Acquisition
Smålandsstenar, Sweden · www.jliab.se
B-Max Svets AB 2023-06-15 - Add-on Acquisition
Stenkullen, Sweden · www.b-max.se
Lindqvist AS 2023-05-30 - Add-on Acquisition
Bergen, Norway · www.lindqvist.no
Proffklær AS 2023-05-25 - Add-on Acquisition
Oslo, Norway · www.proffklaer.no
HJM Tak och Byggplåt AB 2023-01-24 - Add-on Acquisition
Mölndal, Sweden · www.hjm.se
Sanistål A/S 2022-12-22 - Add-on Acquisition
Aalborg, Denmark · www.sanistaal.dk
Solelgrossisten Sverige AB 2022-12-15 - Add-on Acquisition
Tomelilla, Sweden · www.solelgrossisten.se
View All >>

M&A by Sector

Sector Buy # Value Sell # Value
Distribution 28 (51%) - - -
E-Commerce 6 (11%) - - -
Retail 4 (7%) - - -
Building Materials 3 (5%) - - -
Business Services 3 (5%) - - -
Manufacturing 3 (5%) - - -
Consumer Products 2 (4%) - - -
Safety/Security 2 (4%) - - -
Apparel/Textiles 1 (2%) - - -
Environmental 1 (2%) - - -
Machinery 1 (2%) - - -
Renewable Energy 1 (2%) - - -
Total 55 - - -

By Geo

State/Country Buy Value Sell Value
Sweden 27 - - -
Norway 15 - - -
Finland 9 - - -
Estonia 2 - - -
Denmark 1 - - -
Latvia 1 - - -
Domestic 27 (49%) - - -
Cross-border 28 (51%) - - -
Total 55 - - -

M&A Connections

Acquired from
3 (5%)

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